Clear Sailing with Federal Maritime Commissions (FMC) Supply Chain Innovation Team Initiative


Clear Sailing with Federal Maritime Commissions (FMC) Supply Chain Innovation Team Initiative
It was not too long ago, a year or two ago that the port strike in the west coast that had months of delays and congestions. Thus resulting in billions and billions of dollars lost due to goods were stuck at ports which disrupted flow of good across the country. There were numerous of complaints had been filed with no avail as if you were speaking air. Even though the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) felt the duty to take action, but felt it would not have had helped with more regulation from them, which give rise for the federal Maritime Commissions Supply Chain Innovation Team Initiative.

What is The Federal Maritime Commissions (FMC) Supply Chain Innovation Team Initiative?
FMC has authority over most ocean carriers, ports, marine terminal, and ocean transportation middle person such NVOCC or truckers and they have the responsibilities to assist when challenges faced by those they have authority over with such as port congestion and international supply chain challenges. Supply chain Innovation Team are consisting of 5-12 member whom are the leaders in different sector of within supply chain such as ocean carrier, importers, truckers, NVOCCs. The main purpose of the team is to brainstorm together on providing solutions and ideas for the challenges that the supply chain are facing or will face which will make the flow of supply chain stronger, dependable and efficient. Given the authorities FMC has, it gives great means for these teams to actually make meaningful influences and changes to help supply chain industry flourish.

What’s the purpose of Supply chain Innovation Team?
Supply Chain Innovation team members consist of all different industries leaders within their own sector from ocean carrier to American shippers. Given the diverse nature of the brains, they are able share the success of their own experience and combining all this experience and expertise for the general good of the systemic flow of supply chain.

Anyone who thinks they are good enough to join, they can contact FMC directly to apply. The FMC Supply Chain Innovation Team Initiative was official began on May 3, 2016 at the FMC headquarter in Washington D.C. Given the action taken by FMC, it gave all walks from supply chain a way to express themselves, all the concerns that they are facing or maybe facing in the future. It makes people feel all links within the supply chain matters. Now they have team member from the same walks of life whom hears them, and understand their concern and coming up with solutions to help them. With the FMC’s regulatory power give us a real voice and a real mean to create and implement way to make a better system for everyone. If the system works, everyone wins.