In this article , I would like to analyze the characteristics of today’s business environment. With globalization and constant technological changes, we see a huge difference in today’s businesses comparing to the ones in the past. Customers and their preferences have undeniably changed, the level of competition has changed, and expectations are definitely much higher. As a result, organizations have become increasingly aware that they need to build a collaborative environment in the workplace.
How could we really make a collaboration work when there are so many different opinions, styles, characters and cultures in one workplace? I think there are several methods and keys to building that bond between co-workers.
Positivity is the foundation of collaborative work. We need to do our part in creating a positive environment. Everything starts with being optimistic. I’m no professional motivational speaker, but I am well aware of the power of that “glass half full” state of mind.
We must also take into account that good judgment is just a simple result of acknowledging that everyone has an opinion. Therefore we need to listen to each other and value the other person’s point of view. You have no idea how important it is to be able to always think before you speak and listen, and not make assumptions. There is always going to be someone that knows something different in a group, that may be a key factor in opening new doors for ideas and brainstorming. If you do not agree with someone, that’s ok too. Ever heard the term “agree to disagree,” I’m sure most of us have and trust me, we must often be willing to turn to this to respect each other and maintain the positive work environment.
Over the years I realized that the logistics industry has become even more competitive today. Due to intensity of the competition I know very well how important the quality of our customer service is . Our sales department uses that strength of quality service when they are out there trying to get new customers . When it comes to our operation department, they do their bests to satisfy our customers. At the end of the day, we all work towards a similar goal. We all want to achieve, and we want to do the best for the company as a whole.
Then how about focusing on finding solutions instead of focusing on problems. I think it would present a great ability to be more efficient. I really believe in the power of collaboration. It is that collaborative effort of talent that makes a team productive and ultimately successful.