India Speeds Up Their Imports Through New Program

Direct Port Delivery

Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT), located in Nhava Sheva, India, which loads more than 70% of the containers passing through the 12 major ports in India, is getting improvements in efforts to speed up its import and export functions. The port and government will be implementing a program that will impact container dwell times and port productivity. That being said, these improvements will fix congestion and reduce transit time for faster delivery, which will expand shipper interest in shipping in and out of India.

JNPT and customs authorities have coordinated a delivery program called DPD – Direct Port Delivery services – to speed up handling of containers.

The port has been selling DPD services through public sessions to seek standardized rates for cost, and free times across the terminal. As such, importers and exporters would be greatly saving on storage charges levied by the port, since containers are required to be moved within the 48-hour window once they reach the port. This new service program aims to decongest ports and lower shipper costs. Since the program has started, imports have increased 19%. With the jump in shippers using the port, intermodal services must be established to cover the hinterlands routes. Additionally, the port now must be open 24/7 to facilitate the speedy clearance of DPD.

Now, JNPT is streamlining intermodal arrangements for DPD, forming logistics solutions, and is in talks with 5-7 major trucking companies, which will set up an efficient method for moving containers in and out of the terminals.

The DPD procedure has been an efficient program to grow the ease of doing business with the port and its shipper. It will provide easy and seamless supply chain moves, including gate automation at all terminals, an inter-terminal trucking system to speed truckers’ turnarounds, creation of tracking movements of containers within the port, and the introduction of an equal tariff for truck and train handling to promote more loads to the rails.

As a result, the Setu Bharatam project, a project created by the Prime Minister of India, will ensure the adequate infrastructure is in place to improve highways and rail roads in efforts to increase productivity of imports and exports in India. With the increased productivity at the port, DPD will certainly increase supply-chain efficiency and reduce cost.