A message from MTS Logistics President Sedat Saka:
2019 marked the 19th anniversary of the founding of MTS Logistics. Over that time, the company has grown from a handful of people to become a key player within the logistics and shipping space in the United States. 2019 was a great year for MTS Logistics, as the company continued to grow and influence global shipping and logistics.
As President of MTS Logistics, I have watched this growth over the years and am so very proud of everyone who has helped the company grow. I thank our customers, employees, partners, vendors, and other associates. Without all of you, this growth and success would not be possible.
In 2019, MTS Logistics once again handled more shipping volume, as the amount of TEUs we handled increased to 90,000 TEUs per year, up from just under 80,000 last year. We are on track to handle more than 100,000 TEUs in 2020 and beyond.
Our blog, MoreThanShipping.com, received more than 500,000 visitors in 2019, a large increase from previous years and a testament to the continued hard work and dedicated of the MTS Logistics team who publishes blog posts on different topics three times per week. Thank you to all of our authors for their contributions in 2019.
This past Saturday, December 14, 2019, MTS Logistics hosted our annual Holiday Party at the Soho Grand Hotel in New York City. We recognized our top blog post authors, and recognized Mahab Rahman, our Logistics/Shipping/Supply Chain Operations Manager, for ten years of service with MTS Logistics. He received the gift of a beautiful Rolex to thank him for his service.
On behalf of the entire MTS Logistics community, thank you again to everyone who supports MTS Logistics daily. We look forward to continued growth and success in the years to come.
Below are pictures from our holiday party:
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