The Million Step Challenge


Sitting here for quite some time, I have been bouncing several possible ideas of what I can possibly write about. Then it hit me, I have been juggling thoughts of upcoming events and adding to do’s in my imaginary list that it has become close to impossible to focus on this very task at hand. In reality, this is the time I do my yearly transition. And yes even though I do it every single year, it still hits me hard every time. It’s the time I am getting back into the grove of school after summer vacation, balancing work while adding several hours of internship- and I have entered chaos.

Although at times I can swear I am working under a disorderly commotion, it’s not something I completely dread. One of the things that have been occupying my mind lately is preparing for one of the upcoming events from my internship site. The members in my current site have been overly eager raising awareness and encouraging the community to join the Million Step Challenge. The walk was initiated seven years ago by clients from the programs provided by the Brooklyn Community Services (BCS) for adults with disabilities.  The BCS FunWalk was formed by the members in order to raise funds for recreational activities, with the purpose of enabling members to connect with the Brooklyn Community.

The Million Step Challenge is the goal set by the BCS FunWalk. The goal is to have 500 walkers join, each taking a total of 2,000 steps per mile which equals to one million steps!  The one mile walk will be hosted at Prospect Park this year on September 22nd and it has become an integral part in raising donations to continue the important work of BCS.

One of the things I have enjoyed the most while prepping for the event, are the members of our site coming together to get the community involved. Our members have been proactively spreading the word around our center and neighborhood. It has been great to see everyone come together to creatively raise funds for the event. I am amazed on the motivation and excitement from everyone. One member in particular has taken the sole responsibility to represent the center at the event and has made it her mission to get the word around and raise donations while exciting everyone else in the process. This member’s ability to excite the rest of us has reminded me of how a little can go a long way, and I can only hope for a great event!