Just a Little More Than Shipping in the Time of COVID-19


With the virus that shall not be named (we are all really tired of hearing its name), we are all facing health, business, and social challenges. Unfortunately, there are many people that are suffering all around us. For this reason, we at MTS Logistics feel it is important to share some positive news with our community. We decided to share something with our readers not related to shipping, and we aim to put a little smile on your faces.

First, at MTS Logistics, our entire team and their loved ones are healthy, and we are safely working from home. It’s really great to see our team is performing just as they would if they were in our offices right now. We are so proud of that!

Next, you should know that after working from home partially last week, this week, MTS Logistics is operating fully from home. For us, business is as usual – the only difference being that business is virtual. Instead of punching in, we are doing virtual punching. Instead of meeting rooms, we are using virtual meeting rooms. And, instead of chatting from one cubicle to the next, we are using Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, and other platforms.

Most importantly, for the greater good, we must keep social distancing. Despite that reality, we can still have fun! With all the craziness, we wanted to share with all our readers how your beloved More Than Shipping Authors (The World’s Best Logistics Team) is working from all over the Tri-State Area and the world.

We wish all of our readers, customers, vendors, and the entire MTS Logistics community good health, peace of mind, time with your families, and personal wellness. When this crisis is over, the world will emerge stronger than ever before!

Check out the MTS Logistics team in action from home across the globe!