What Is Your Horoscope?


Want to know more about each horoscope? Check out below to find out what your horoscope has to say about your personality.


Aries is representative of verve and energy and while many may associate a ‘me first’ attitude with Ariens, the truth is quite different from this. The ‘me first’ refers primarily to their competitiveness and their desire to be at the top of the world. Of course, the selfish aspect of their personality is true to some extent, but it can be controlled. They are known to be highly simple and straight-forward in their dealings. This is the secret behind the amazing clarity that they seem to possess regarding everyday life.

In their childhood, Ariens are characteristically hungry for success. They generally wanna be good in sports, studies and almost everything they get involved in, though there might be the odd case of an Ariean almost deliberately messing up their grades, just cause they don’t care. This attitude just gets stronger with age. In their profession, they will do all they can to get to the top. Ariens are also really attached to their family. They also make excellent partners. Overall, Ariens are energetic, passionate beings with a knack of achieving great laurels in their field of work.


Of all the twelve sun-signs, Taurus is the one most in need of order, security and self-assurance. Taurus are not friendly to indecision and chaos at all. They work hard at bringing security – social and economical, in their and their loved ones’ lives. They will find it very hard to risk it for something in the air, no matter how great and majestic it might be. These are really patient people that will never throw in the towel and keep fighting for what they value and what they believe in. They can settle for very few accomplishments, or long lean periods, but they need to know that certain changes are inevitable, and certain things will come to you only when they have to, no matter how hard and long you try.

This is why onlookers would feel that Taurus are too slow or too dull – the truth is they are in a world of their own, where everything has its own pace, and nothing needs to be hurried. Emotional security is just as important for them as economic. They make really stable relationships, and hold on to them with all their moral strength. But as we have said, they are afraid of change, and afraid of letting things go. Thus they might get really possessive at times, to the inconvenience of the companion. However, Taurus are known to be the most attractive looking of all the twelve signs. And they happen to be very passionate, even though some might find them to be a little on the slow side.

So in short, they are beautiful, sensual people who have great taste for the grander and more subtle things in life.


For all the people you see in your workplace, pegging along at a slow pace, working on things that are too linear to test any kind of ability or intelligence of any person and taking care of the same mundane tasks every single day with the sole objective of making a living, there is one thing you can be pretty damn sure of – they are definitely not Geminians.

Of all the great tragedies and maladies of the world, nothing terrorizes the Geminian more than boredom. They are, since birth, used to multitasking. They just can’t go about life one issue at a time. Parents might find this amusing, but they should nonetheless try not to encourage it. Doing too many things at once from a young age spoils their sense of style and brings about a trait that is most common in Geminians – superficiality. For them, after a point, all that looks good is good enough. They become a jack of all trades and start concentrating only on the packaging. In some professions such as ones relating to media, however, that is exactly what you need from a person – a little knowledge of almost everything, but not too much. So its not such a bad thing after all. In the workplace, it is important that they have as many projects as they can, so that they may work on whichever they have the mood to work on at that moment.


Cancerians are very defensive creatures – defensive of themselves, their friends and family. They have a very strong and formidable defensive fort in his psyche. He is not intimidated that easily and can sometimes take an aggressive stand in order to protect himself emotionally from transgresses of others. Anyone who intentionally or unintentionally jeopardizes their or their close ones’ dignity or self-respect, you will feel fended off or even pinned down. But if you persevere and gain their trust with time (which you most definitely will if your intensions are honest), you will see the soft, caring and considerate inner self – because now you are one of the protected.

Their family is very important for them, and comes at the top in the list of priorities. They make excellent parents, but are not so good at letting go of their children when the situation requires it which again tells us about their protective self. They also happen to be very emotional and often fall into the depths of nostalgia. No wonder they have an excellent memory – they hardly miss a piece of detail about their past. Cancerian children start out being extremely sensitive and emotionally fragile, but with time they develop their protective and affectionate self. So if you see your Cancerian kid taking care of a younger brother or sister or the family pet, be sure that your kid is growing up.


All Leos of the world can be described using one metaphor – the sun. They want to be a sun giving out light and warmth to the whole world, and to see everyone in their circles thriving in or at least benefitting from their radiance. One other important thing needs to understand is that Leo is the sign of extremities.

People of this Leo sun sign innately want to lead and be a master, but for those they adore and revere, they are ready to become slaves. They are very well organized and do things just the way they ought to be done, but it is also true that they are much better at organizing and systematizing others’ lives than their own. This trait of theirs sometimes borders on bossiness. But all this effort to improve another person’s life comes with an unnatural amount of warmth, kindly encouragement and a promise for help without having to ask, whenever it is needed.

The other thing about Leos is their creative streak – they possess some talent that hardly anyone around them is good at. But they can also be influenced very easily, and are prone to losing out against nagging criticism. They therefore have a great need to be encouraged and shown the right way. In friendships, Leos are very generous and caring, but may also get a little carried away and shower their affections on the wrong person. The same happens in case of love interests, but if the other person is the right one, he/she will find no derth of kindness and generosity.


Of all the twelve signs, you will find these Virgo guys the busiest. And here’s the funny part – it’s not that they take up the most responsibility or the toughest job, or that they are so polite that they do all their coworkers’ work. It’s just that they end up the most swamped – might be because they are not that well-organized, or for some other reason, but they just can’t seem to be getting enough time.

Another very important characteristic, probably their most prominent, is their desire to serve people. They can literally become slaves for the ones they love; pleasing them is all they wish to do! In doing so, they can get tricked or let down once in a while, but they do make very good friends.

Virgoans are very versatile and have a great number of talents, but most remarkable of them is their excellent judging and critical capability. They can size up things, form an opinion, and express it in a very diplomatic and constructive way. This is what makes them such good critiques, teachers and diplomats. But they do this with a very honest humility, and just the way they are critical about everything, so also they are critical and judgmental about their own ability and talent. And this is horrible for their future prospects. Their friends should be there to support and encourage them at such moments; after all, that’s what friends are for, aren’t they?


Librans are known most for their laziness. But there is really a lot more to it than meets the eye. Librans actually know how to cool down, and how to relax and just let things go. That’s why, even when they hustle, they seem to have a lot of time for petty things like dressing up and making coffee. They even have time to just lie around and take a time out, with all the work of the world piled up, much to the chagrin of friends. If you look through their eyes, you’d feel people are too impatient to take pleasure in the small things in life.

As you might expect from people with such a bend, Librans are very romantic. They always long for a long-lasting, committing, all-in kind of relationship. And as long as they don’t have it, they will always feel like something is missing within them. So they are definitely marriage material, but this comes with a glitch. Their inherent need for intimacy makes them rush into relationships without even taking the situation into account – in some cases, they are so young that they don’t even understand what a relationship means.


The first thing you will notice about a Scorpio is his/her forceful and vigorous nature. So if you cut open a Scorpio, I mean metaphorically, you will find a very intense source of energy. It will be like looking at the sun – you can’t look straight at it, or get too close. This source is what drives the Scorpio, and he/she uses this energy in whatever way he/she finds most satisfying. Now, as it is said, with great power comes great responsibility. There is a great need to channelize this energy in the right direction. Otherwise, things are bound to get disastrous.

This high-energy state is also of an emotional nature. People who are in this state tend to get overly aggressive. That is why half the books written on Astrology have special chapters allotted for explaining the Scorpio’s sex drive. This is a great asset as well as a great liability. Not many can keep up the vigor and enthusiasm in their sex lives the way Scorpios can. But as I have said, there is the destructive side. And one of the first signs of this side taking over is denial and withdrawal. The Scorpio stops taking active interest in things, and grieves inside. The usual intense and vivacious expression is replaced by an introvert, brooding-within-oneself one. When inquired, the Scorpio will be the quickest at denying about having any sort of issue, before resuming to the same old routine.


The first thing one would observe about a Sagittarius is his/her amazing frankness and practicality. Generally people who call themselves practical tend to be polite in the more diplomatic sense, but for these guys, the practicality seems to stem from the frankness. Actually, if you cut open a Sagittarius (I mean psychologically), you’d find that what drives them most is their broad outlook, and their quick, positive grasping power of almost any kind of problem. But mind you, the one inclined to get the whole larger picture is liable to miss out on the minor details. They always thirst for challenges in life, and most of the time are restlessly looking for one. Another thing that makes them restless is the endless pursuit of something better. One moment, they might be completely happy with what they’ve got for themselves and the very next moment, they wish they could have had better.

Sagittarians are very caring and lively towards their loved ones, and have a great tendency of understanding their mistakes and learning from them. One very important thing the partner needs to understand here is that they love their freedom too much. Here the word freedom is used in a very different sense. The freedom does not refer to individuality or not wanting to change one’s way of life, it refers to the way in which a person wishes to express his/her love for his/her partner. And another aspect of this need for freedom is fear of closed spaces, in the psychological sense. Excessive possessiveness may take it’s toll on the Sagittarius.


There is a divide right in the middle where personality is concerned, in case of Capricorn. There is the never-give-up always fighting, always moving, always gaining altitude kind of person and there is also the confined person with self-imposed restrictions, who likes to stay at one place and work for what he values the most. But these two kinds of personalities have some common traits, the most notable of them being that of complaining and grumbling.

Capricorn brings about a trait of not being contented with prevelant conditions, which is good in a way because it spurs people to do something about it, but it also brings about this other not so congenial and understanding side. Capricorns are very committed to their cause and are really good at getting what they want. There is a negative side to this too – they become successful and privileged and find that there are not a lot many people up there and it is not really possible to be friends with people who are not there – so they feel quite lonely. They are really good at coping up with this, but now this not something that can be completely taken out of the system, is it?

Capricorns are people who seem to be a little formal, a little out of place with their fun-loving background, but that is because they actually like to have the right thing in the right place.They like to climb the social and professional ladders and are not left behind in trying to impress their superiors and even loved ones. They have a different kind of sense of humor which is rather refreshing in a gathering or party.


Aquarians are probably the most individualistic and strong kind of people. Now you can read that as pigheaded and rebellious, but that’s your wish (that’s not to say that being either of these is always a wrong thing). And as is the way of the world, the distinctive and strong in character are the ones followed by one and all; so this is what leaders are made of. Now things are not all rosy and jolly for Aquarians. If I had to describe an Aquarian in the least possible number of words, I won’t classify him as a leader or pioneer, I’d call him a walking bag of contradictions – coz that’s what he most definitely is. They do pioneering work, they go against the tide and try to change how the society thinks about something, yet they themselves find it very hard to change their mind on something once they have made up a notion.

So this difficulty in modifying oneself and one’s beliefs becomes more and more noticeable and prominent with maturity; an Aquarian might need a lot of help and encouragement in coming up to prevalent times and practices. However, another important thing that makes them such good leaders is their cool temperament and emotional control – you could not find a person better at taking affirmative action in practically testing circumstances. Also, these guys are really understanding and do not find it very difficult to suffer contravenes of fellows. That is why they make such good friends.


Pisceans are characterised by their emotional depth. They have such a vast reservoir of positive creative energy that they don’t even come close to realizing their true potential. They are too modest to admit their talent, and often underestimate themselves. No one has the ability to express true human emotions such as happiness, love, anger and forgiveness in his art as much as the Piscean. So he/she no doubt has talent, but there is a tremendous need for encouragement. Pisceans give their friends unconditional support when needed. They believe in the notion that a friend in need is a friend indeed. But this works both ways. They also need to be understood and helped when in need.

Pisceans are also susceptible to developing habits and then acting as if they will show themselves out. Eventually, it becomes so late that things go out of control, and the habits take a heavy toll on their personal and professional lives. Again, it is almost impossible for the Piscean to get out of such a quicksand and restore normalcy in life without the support and affection of close and loved ones. Friends and family might find this a little difficult than they might think because Pisceans tend to be a little deceptive, thinking that it is for everyone’s good. So the picture I paint is not a very rosy one – it would seem that it’s hard for the Piscean to even live normally without help. But it’s not like that. Pisceans have so much stuffed up inside them that it is hard for them to stay balanced. That’s the only reason why they need help.

For more information on these horoscope signs visit http://www.ask-oracle.com/.