Net Zero Carbon Emission: How Can Shipping Companies Attain this Vision by 2050?


The emergence of the Covid pandemic resulted in an unprecedented disruption in the supply chain globally. Nonetheless, the demand for freight and passenger transport has continued to increase. This has been driven by an increase in the human population and economic growth. But the major concern that has persisted since before the sector’s recent growth has been the increased carbon emission that have had adverse effects on both human and aquatic life. Furthermore, there are other greenhouse gases emitted due to activities undertaken by the shipping industry. Due to the catastrophic effects outlined by scientists, companies in this sector need to devise effective ways of conducting operations aimed at minimizing pollution through carbon emission.


So, What’s to be Done?


Drastic measures need to be taken to mitigate carbon emissions, and soon. The use of scalable zero-emissions fuel could play a significant role in attaining net zero carbon emissions by 2050. This is the preliminary undertaking that can help in the management of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, it could also help prevent global warming by dropping emission levels. The stakeholders in the shipping industry have made efforts to seek alternative fuels with zero carbon emissions, but cost has been a major determinant in this case. Currently, green ammonia is an ideal choice since it is relatively cheaper.


Companies that undertake the building of ships can also consider building zero-emissions marine vessels. Adjustments can also be made to existing ships to mitigate carbon emissions that are harmful to the environment. Shipping companies can also adopt the use of carbon-neutral vessels. Despite being a capital-intensive project, it will have to play a significant role in attaining net zero carbon emission by the year 2050.


An example of a shipping company that intended to use carbon neutral methanol is X-Press Feeder, an investment that serves as a milestone for the company. Besides that, it will set a pace for similar firms to follow to attain the industry’s commitment to zero carbon emission.


There is also a need to have a considerable global price on any form of carbon emission. This will help lessen the gap between the price of green fuels and fossil fuels. Having a carbon price considered to be punitive will encourage the shipping industry adopt the use of environmentally friendly practices. This will help in reducing the risk of carbon emission thereby helping attain the net zero carbon emission goal by 2050.


Parting Shot


Environmental conservation is a collective responsibility. Just like any other sector, the shipping and logistics industry has a role to play in promoting efficiency regarding this subject. Zero carbon emissions can be attained if all stakeholders in the shipping sector jointly agree to use an environmentally friendly path forward. Climatic changes affect everyone in society. However, some regions are, and will continue to be, severely affected. Appropriate measures must be taken to conserve the environment to minimize the severe effects still to come.