Shipping Logistics: 4 Savvy Solutions to Streamline Operations

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash
Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Logistics can make or break a company. When people think of shipping logistics, they typically think of the actual shipping and receiving aspects. However, there’s more to it than you may initially think, as the process should involve the whole company operations, as well as external companies, carriers, vendors and end users.

For a shipping company to have a successful logistics plan, there are several key elements that can be followed to ensure your company is effective and efficient while keeping customers satisfied with the end result. That’s why today, we’ll discuss how your company could improve its shipping operations for streamlined processes across the board.

1. Carefully select a logistics company

Choosing a suitable logistics company is essential, so be sure to thoroughly evaluate all of your shipping options and requirements to meet your needs and those of the end user. Ultimately, the more you can fit in one container or on a lorry, the more efficient and effective your delivery service will be – not only in terms of turnaround time, but also costs.

Opting for a reputable freight company, such as MTS Logistics, will ensure you find the most profitable service in the long run, that also meets your business needs. Some services which could give your company the extra edge over your competitors are automated services, customization options and extensive geographical coverage – as you’ll be able to bolster the end user experience, in turn strengthening customer relationships, and ultimately achieving greater customer loyalty.

2. Save on space

While it goes without saying that your business should always be evolving when it comes to making operations more efficient – preparation is often the key to success. If your business needs to ship a large quantity of products daily, then it’s worth optimizing your packaging and shipping arrangements with forward planning to ensure goods arrive in a timely and efficient manner.

To start with, where possible, look at bulking orders together for shipping to locations within a close radius. However, make sure these savings aren’t wasted with insufficient packaging. In order to keep consumers happy, it’s essential products are well protected with quality packaging materials to prevent damage occurring during transportation – particularly if you’ll be fitting a lot in one place. This additional attention to detail will not only make the delivery process quicker and easier, but it can also work wonders in strengthening your brand identity.

3. Streamline communications

Communication and sharing information is one of the most vital aspects of an efficient shipping logistics plan and is something that should be included in each step of logistics to ensure effective freight management.

Tracking is key to mastering the art of supply and demand, so offering this service is key to getting the process right. Transparent and real-time visibility on product orders and shipments is imperative for efficient logistics. Not least it allows each member of the supply chain to access current data as and when they need it, but it can also be used to prevent potential issues before they arise and deliver quicker resolutions.

As a result, this helps to build trust and cohesion across different departments that will ultimately benefit the business and customers, while also streamlining operations and eliminating unnecessary time wasted on additional cross referencing that can slow productivity.

In addition, clear communications will help cater for the increased demands from customers, who are pressuring retailers to work around their day-to-day routine when it comes to delivery times.

4. Utilize your networks

If you have existing relationships that already provide you with free shipping (inbound and outbound), it could be financially beneficial to make further use of these contacts. In an industry where it’s unavoidable to be reliant on external vendors somewhere along the logistics supply chain, leveraging these relationships to develop a stronger bond could go in your favor. Whether it’s regular meetings, a quid pro quo agreement or simply being respectful, honest and fair with your business dealings, treating these valuable assets well will go towards maintaining an efficient service.

It’s equally important to maintain good relationships with customers, whose loyalty begins and ends with the trust they have in your shipping company. From clear delivery options and pricing structures to return policies, be up-front with customers from the start – giving them all the information they need to avoid unwelcome surprises, and realistic expectations. In the long term, this will lead to better reviews and recommendations on your service.

Photo by Julius Silver from Pexels

Shipping logistics can be incredibly complex, but with the right processes and approaches in place, there are plenty of ways you can simplify and optimize operations. Whether you tap into existing relationships to up your efficiency or seek the help of a new carrier, we hope this post provides you with the right insights for developing a more cost effective and efficient shipping strategy for the future.